welcome to my website

Hello, I am Meghasree currently pursuing BE-Computer Science and Engineering.

I am Unity Student ambassador,developer and AR/VR enthusiast curently working on an AR project. I am a Good academic performer, who is very keen to explore new technology

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About Me:

Unity Student Ambassador

Created a basic applications like video playback, multi-image tracking,markless drawing,face recognition using Vuforia SDK integrated with unity

Created few 2D,3D games and released in playstore.

My Skills

Technical skills

Game Development 70%
python programming 80%
Full stack web development 70%
Machine Learning 30%

My Experiences

My tasks

Unity developer since 2017

2D/3D games ,AR/VR apllication.

python programmer since 2016


My Education

10th-Shree Vijayalakshmi MHSS 93%

12th-Ambal Matric HSS 92%

Bachelor of Engineering cgpa:9.4


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excieted about what could go right.

It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop.

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Meghasree Ganeshram